Lonely No More

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who is the youngest of 16 children, may have felt unloved and misunderstood by his parents. “It’s quite common for the 16th child to have loneliness issues,” said noted psychologist Dr. Raymond G. Lillymutton, “they do not get the devoted love and devotion that the first 15 children receive, so they naturally crave attention, the kind of attention terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda are so good at providing.”

Getting Hipper (Pt. 19)

While I thought I had pulled the plug on my total hip replacement series, some people have asked for an update. They are either curious, or taking some sick pleasure in my pain. Either way, I’m happy to oblige.

Homer’s Odessey “D’oh!”

Our first child, Matt Scullin was born December 10, 1989. A week later, on December 17, the most important show on TV was born– The Simpsons.