Mannequin Confessions: Lenore

In this third installment of The Lint Screen’s exclusive exposé on the mannequin community, a previously silent voice comes forward to tell the unvarnished truth of a life spent still. “I see them across the way–– the young ones dressed in their Haute couture. They are so pretty, so sullen, beguiling and provocative. Their skin … Read more

Mannequin Confessions: Kianti

This is the second in The Lint Screen’s exclusive profiles of mannequins, “The Still Generation.” Today, a high fashion mannequin in Memphis named Kianti shares her thoughts and feelings in a brutally honest confession. “People always wonder why I’m so quiet but they never stop and ask themselves why they’re always talking and talking and … Read more

Mannequin Confessions: Jinsey

They are the world’s most misunderstood population. Mannequins don the latest fashions and fight the urge to move as a public service to humanity. The Lint Screen begins an in-depth look into these vital group through exclusive first person narratives that will illuminate, educate and titillate. Enjoy this stab at your so-called new journalism. “I … Read more

Most Valuable Baseball Pt. 4

This is the last installment profiling a priceless ball in my possession. While most baseballs are covered in horsehide, this one is covered in history, stories and legends for the ages. If you missed the first three installments, you can catch them here–– PART ONE, INSTALLMENT DOS, SECTION THREE. Now, prepare to get all goosebumpy. … Read more

Obama Hires Tough TV Lawyer For Defense

First, Speaker of the House John Boehner sued Lebron James. Yesterday, he got official congressional approval to sue someone even bigger–– President Barack Obama. And this big man wasted no time in counterpunching back. Obama has secured Harry “Hammertime” Krinkston for his defense attorney! “The president was impressed with Krinkston’s television commercials that run late … Read more

Nigerian Prince Admits Deception

Baginza Washoobi, a wealthy Nigerian prince who has sent personal emails to many people worldwide, today admitted that he lied. “I miscalculated my net worth,” the embarrassed prince told The Lint Screen. “I have been telling people my family fortune is forty-six million U.S. dollars, but actually, I’m afraid it is closer to forty-five million … Read more