19 Tips For Successful Freelancing

You want to freelance– you want to be your own boss. Good for you. I believe freelance is great for everyone, but not everyone is great for freelancing.

Before starting an agency, I had two successful stints as a freelancer. Here’s what you need to know.

Oh, Lady Liberty!

Why have you brought yourself to this? Standing on the corner, waving a sign to get attention; prostituting freedom to sell income tax services. You join the huddled masses of other mascots: the wiener in a bun, dancing taco dude, the purple gorilla, twirling condo sale sign guy and all the many mascots pimping their … Read more

China Gettin’ All Bankster On Rich Uncle

The U.S. government is angry as hornets who’ve been pestered by telemarketers during their favorite TV show, thanks to China getting greedy as a U.S. banker.

When the U.S. money people opened their monthly credit statement from China, they discovered that the Chinese had moved up their payment date and jacked up their interest rate, just like U.S. banks are doing to credit card holders.

Not Their Best, But Still…

Recently I saw two films from masters: Martin Scorsese’s Shutter Island and Joel and Ethan Coen’s A Serious Man. While I can’t gush over either film as being in the canon of their best work, both movies are essential viewing.