Tag: The Lint Screen

  • Mannequin Confessions: Salionne Sisters

    In part five of The Lint Screen’s series examining the underbelly of the mannequin world, we give the floor to Epion (ES) and Pashi Salionne (PS), sisters who work the window of an exclusive Madison Avenue fashion palace. ES: Most days are agony. PS: Agony is a good day. ES: Say something original, why don’t…

  • Lawyers Ruin Everything; Lint Gives Up

    Give people an inch, and they’ll sue you. The Lint Screen recently made the generous offer to provide free urine testing over the internet, and rather than be heaped with praise, our offices have been heaped with lawsuits from shills in shiny suits representing pissed people claiming that they have urine-stained and broken computer keyboards.…

  • Crybabies Lawyer Up Against Lint

    Since making the generous FREE offer of urine tests for readers of The Lint Screen, our offices have been deluged by legal parasites looking to suck at the teat of Lady Justice–– but her scales show that you litigious deadbeats are way out of line. Allegedly many of the people who urinated on their computer…

  • The Lint Screen Urine Test

    As a public service, The Lint Screen is proud to offer a revolutionary advance in medicine–– urine tests collected over the internet! YES, just in time for flu and cold season, we will scientifically analyze your urine and identify the vitamins, minerals and supplements you need to battle the nasty germs and bacteria waiting to…

  • Mannequin Confessions: Phillipe

    In part four of The Lint Screen’s exclusive mannequin series, we hear from a male model who works at Nordstrom’s and is comfortable in his hard plastic skin. Meet Phillipe, in menswear. “I am who I am, and who I am is someone who knows who he is. I’m not like those female mannequins with…

  • Mannequin Confessions: Lenore

    In this third installment of The Lint Screen’s exclusive exposé on the mannequin community, a previously silent voice comes forward to tell the unvarnished truth of a life spent still. “I see them across the way–– the young ones dressed in their Haute couture. They are so pretty, so sullen, beguiling and provocative. Their skin…