Dude to Get Drunk on St. Patrick’s Day

Brian Patrick Flannigan plans on being hungover March 18. “I’m getting totally wicked wasted on St. Paddy’s Day,” said the 21-year old Lawrence, Massachusetts native, “I think he would have expected me to get blotto in honor of his birthday.” Flannigan says he plans to wear all green on St. Patrick’s Day and drink only … Read more

Michelle Obama Possibly Cheated Oscars, Cruz Claims

Feisty freshman Texas Senator Ted Cruz has accused First Lady Michelle Obama of “possibly cheating the world out of the legitimate winner of the Oscar for Best Picture, Lincoln by instead naming Argo as the winning film.” Cruz noted that because the First Lady read the winner’s name from a sealed envelope, “who knows what … Read more

God Tells Russia, “Bring It!”

Unnamed sources close to God report that He is upset at the recent tirade that Russia president Vladimir Putin staged following a meteor landing in his country. “The Big Guy resents that creepy bare-chested Rooskie peacocking about being attacked from outer space,” said the heavenly source who wished to remain anonymous for fear of banishments … Read more

Russia Declares War on Space

Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, has declared war on outer space following what he called “an obvious hostile attack on our great nation.” A meteor struck near Chelyabinsk, Russia, on Friday and injured 1,200 people while damaging 4,000 buildings. According to secret sources, Putin has been “angry as a lanced boil” ever since the … Read more

Ad World Searching For Mysterious “Paul Harvey” Character

Following the sensation caused by the popularity of the Dodge Ram Truck Super Bowl Spot last week, the entire ad industry is abuzz trying to find the commercial’s copywriter and voice talent named Paul Harvey. “I never heard of the guy,” said one unnamed advertising headhunter, “but I’d sure like to get a piece of … Read more